Every aspect of learning has been carefully thought out; from a knowledge rich learning experience to a safe environment for children to thrive.
Featuring a combination of international learning benchmarks and the Vietnamese tenet of respect for learning, our program offers a fusion of international English standards and Vietnamese identity, language, values and traditions.
A delicately balanced approach of teacher-directed and child-initiated learning activities follows a child’s developmental stages from experiential learning in the early years through to complex abstract thought processes in middle and high school.
By skillfully weaving all these elements with cutting edge cognitive technology into a powerful bilingual spiral education model, we ensure our students are ready for new world challenges with the resilience of cultural heritage.
Dual Language Immersion
Our dual language immersion program places equal emphasis on children acquiring literacy and content in English and their home language.
Success in learning a new language is high as children are learning to master the language through stories, mathematics, cooking and other relevant real-world ways, such as total physical response, listening to instructions and talking with their teachers and peers instead of specifically discrete language classes.
Discover, Reflect, Mastery Project Based Learning Bruner, Dewey and Bloom
Drawing from the best of Jerome Bruner’s spiral discovery learning, John Dewey’ reflective thinking, and Benjamin Bloom’s mastery learning, our curriculum is designed to move students from passive knowledge acquisition to discovery, reflection and eventually mastery through active application, solving problems, innovating and creating.